Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Hal Yang Membanggakan Indonesia di mata Dunia 

Halo gan/sis, pada kesempatan ini saya mau membahas tentang 21 hal yang membanggakan nama indonesia di mata dunia, mungkin gan/sis sudah pernah denger/baca artikel seperti ini, tapi saya coba untuk membagi pengetahuan ini agar kita bangga jadi warga negara indonesia karena info ini bisa membangkitkan nilai nasionalisme kita. Karena ternyata di tengah-tengah ‘kemirisan’ yang dihadapi terhadap bangsa ini, saya membaca suatu artikel yang sangat membanggakan. Ternyata Indonesia memiliki banyak sekali kelebihan yang sayang untuk dibiarkan begitu saja, penasaran kan? kelebihan itu yaitu :

1.Republik Indonesia merupakan Negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia

yang terdiri dari 17.504 pulau (termasuk 9.634 pulau yang belum diberi nama dan 6.000 pulau yang tidak berpenghuni) . Disini ada 3 dari 6 pulau terbesar didunia, yaitu : Kalimantan (pulau terbesar ketiga di dunia dgn luas 539.460 km2), Sumatera (473.606 km2) dan Papua (421.981 km2).
2. Indonesia adalah Negara maritim terbesar di dunia
dengan perairan seluas 93 ribu km2 dan panjang pantai sekitar 81 ribu km2 atau hampir 25% panjang pantai di dunia.
3. Pulau Jawa adalah pulau terpadat di dunia dimana sekitar 60% hampir penduduk Indonesia (sekitar 130 jt jiwa) tinggal di pulau yang luasnya hanya 7% dari seluruh wilayah RI.
* Indonesia merupakan Negara dengan suku bangsa yang terbanyak di dunia. Terdapat lebih dari 740 suku bangsa/etnis, dimana di Papua saja terdapat 270 suku.
4. Negara dengan bahasa daerah yang terbanyak,
yaitu, 583 bahasa dan dialek dari 67 bahasa induk yang digunakan berbagai suku bangsa di Indonesia. Bahasa nasional adalah bahasa Indonesia walaupun bahasa daerah dengan jumlah pemakai terbanyak di Indonesia adalah bahasa Jawa.
5. Monumen Budha (candi) terbesar di dunia
adalah Candi Borobudur di Jawa Tengah dengan tinggi 42 meter (10 tingkat) dan panjang relief lebih dari 1 km. Diperkirakan dibuat selama 40 tahun oleh Dinasti Syailendra pada masa kerajaan Mataram Kuno (750-850).
6. Tempat ditemukannya manusia purba tertua di dunia,
yaitu : Pithecanthropus Erectus yang diperkirakan berasal dari 1,8 juta tahun yang lalu.

7.Republik Indonesia adalah Negara pertama yang lahir sesudah berakhirnya Perang Dunia II pada tahun 1945.

     RI merupakan Negara ke 70 tertua di dunia.
8.Indonesia adalah Negara pertama (hingga kini satu-satunya) yang pernah keluar dari Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB)
pada tgl 7 Januari 1965. RI bergabung kembali ke dalam PBB pada tahun 1966.
9.Tim bulutangkis Indonesia adalah yang terbanyak merebut lambing supremasi bulutangkis pria, Thomas Cup, yaitu sebanyak 13 x (pertama kali th 1958 & terakhir 2002).
10. Indonesia adalah penghasil gas alam cair (LNG) terbesar di dunia
(20% dari suplai seluruh dunia) juga produsen timah terbesar kedua.

11. Indonesia menempati peringkat 1 dalam produk pertanian,

yaitu : cengkeh (cloves) & pala (nutmeg), serta no.2 dalam karet alam (Natural Rubber) dan minyak sawit mentah (Crude Palm Oil).
12. Indonesia adalah pengekspor terbesar kayu lapis
(plywood), yaitu sekitar 80% di pasar dunia.
13. Terumbu Karang (Coral Reef) Indonesia adalah yang terkaya (18% dari total dunia).

14. Indonesia memiliki species ikan hiu terbanyak didunia yaitu 150 species.
15. Biodiversity Anggrek terbeser didunia :
6 ribu jenis anggrek, mulai dari yang terbesar (Anggrek Macan atau Grammatophyllum Speciosum) sampai yang terkecil (Taeniophyllum, yang tidak berdaun), termasuk Anggrek Hitam yang langka dan hanya terdapat di Papua.
16. Memiliki hutan bakau terbesar di dunia.
Tanaman ini bermanfaat ntuk mencegah pengikisan air laut/abrasi.
17. Binatang purba yang masih hidup
Komodo yang hanya terdapat di pulau Komodo, NTT adalah kadal terbesar di dunia. Panjangnya bias mencapai 3 meter dan beratnya 90 kg.
18. Rafflesia Arnoldi yang tumbuh di Sumatera adalah bunga terbesar di dunia.
Ketika bunganya mekar, diameternya mencapai 1 meter.
19. Memiliki primata terkecil di dunia
yaitu Tarsier Pygmy (Tarsius Pumilus) atau disebut juga Tarsier Gunung yang panjangnya hanya 10 cm. Hewan yang mirip monyet dan hidupnya diatas pohon ini terdapat di Sulawesi.

20. Tempat ditemukannya ular terpanjang di dunia

yaitu, Python Reticulates sepanjang 10 meter di Sulawesi.
21.Ikan terkecil di dunia
yang ditemukan baru-baru ini di rawa-rawa berlumpur Sumatera. Panjang 7,9 mm ketika dewasa atau kurang lebih sebesar nyamuk. Banyak kan kelebihannya? tinggal cara mengolah dan memeliharanya saja yang harus di dukung dengan kepercayaan diri yang hebat untuk memakai produk kita sendiri.
Gimana dengan berita ini?
Bangga ga dengan bisa menjadi warga negara indonesia?

Selasa, 31 Juli 2012


Batik Indonesian Batik Indonesia Officially Recognized UNESCO officially recognized by the inclusion into the UNESCO Representative List as a Cultural Heritage objects Tak-Man (Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) in the 4th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee on Cultural Heritage No-thing in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

As reported by Reuters, in a press release from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, UNESCO recognizes Indonesia batik along with 111 nominations from 35 countries of cultural currency, and put it in the Representative List of 76 eyes of culture.

UNESCO recognizes that Indonesia Batik techniques and has become a symbol of cultural identity of the people of Indonesia began from birth to death. it is visible from the baby being held by the patterned batik cloth carrying a symbol of good fortune, and who died covered with batik cloth. In addition, clothing everyday with style is also used routinely in the business and academic activities. While many other patterns used in the ceremony of marriage, pregnancy, also in the puppet, the needs of non-clothing and various artistic performances. Batik fabrics and even plays a major role in certain rituals.

Traditional Musical Instruments Indonesia - As a people of a country Indonesia is very rich in culture, this time I'll write more about one of the cultural richness of Indonesia Indonesia Traditional Musical Instruments. Previously, I've been writing articles on the theme of other cultures such as Indonesia Indonesia Traditional House, Traditional Dance Traditional Clothing Indonesia and Indonesia.
Indonesia Traditional Musical Instruments or commonly also referred to the local musical Indonesia very much at all because usually each province has a traditional musical instrument respectively.
Below you can read articles related to the collection of the types of Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments in the various provinces. Hope can be useful

Traditional Musical Instruments of West Java Angklung
Angklung is a musical instrument that is traditionally grown in the West Java. This musical instrument made of bamboo, sounded shaken by the way (the sound caused by impact bodies of bamboo pipes) so as to produce sound.


Traditional Musical Instruments Bedug

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Clothing Folklore Indonesia
Clothing Folklore Indonesia is one of the cultural wealth of the country owned by Indonesia and praised by many other countries. With so many tribes and provinces in the territory of Indonesia, it is automatically also many kinds of traditional dresses worn by each tribe in the entire province Indonesia.Karena of many ethnic groups in Indonesia have characteristics specialized in the manufacture or in wearing the customary clothes.
Traditional clothing, or the so-called traditional clothing of each province has an individual story, but here I will only give the names of the archipelago and their traditional clothing of each picture. This article was compiled based on my results I did in google.co.id. If there are mistakes, there would beg of the reader to correct this article through the comments below.
Below you can see the various names of Indonesian traditional clothes are scattered in 33 provinces across the archipelago.

Traditional dresses Aceh / Aceh Traditional Clothing
Acehnese traditional dress called Ulee Balang. Clothing is usually used by the king and his family.


Traditional clothing Aceh "Ulee Balang"
Clothing Folklore Indonesia is one of the cultural wealth of the country owned by Indonesia and praised by many other countries. With so many tribes and provinces in the territory of Indonesia, it is automatically also many kinds of traditional dresses worn by each tribe in the entire province Indonesia.Karena of many ethnic groups in Indonesia have characteristics specialized in the manufacture or in wearing the customary clothes.
Traditional clothing, or the so-called traditional clothing of each province has an individual story, but here I will only give the names of the archipelago and their traditional clothing of each picture. This article was compiled based on my results I did in google.co.id. If there are mistakes, there would beg of the reader to correct this article through the comments below.
Below you can see the various names of Indonesian traditional clothes are scattered in 33 provinces across the archipelago.
Traditional dresses Aceh / Aceh Traditional Clothing
Acehnese traditional dress called Ulee Balang. Clothing is usually used by the king and his family.

Tribal history of Sunda
ROGER L. Dixon

In 1998, totaling approximately Sundanese 33 million people, most of them living in West Java. An estimated 1 million people living in other provinces. Based on 1990 census found that West Java has the largest population of all provinces in Indonesia, namely 35.3 million people. Similarly, urban residents reached 34.51%, a significant amount that can be reached by a variety of media. However, the Sundanese are one group of people among the least known in the world. Their name is often regarded as the Sudan in Africa and is misspelled in the encyclopedia. Some spelling corrections in the computer as well turn it into a Sudanese.
A brief history of pre-20th century is intended to introduce the Sundanese in West Java, to us who serve in Indonesia. In this century, their history has been intertwined with the rise of nationalism that eventually became modern Indonesia.

Early Belief Systems

Sundanese unlike most other tribes, which have not Sundanese myth about creation myths or other records that explain the origin of this tribe. No one knows where they came from, nor how they settled in West Java. Presumably in the first centuries AD, a small group Sundanese exploring the mountains and forests to slash and burn culture to open forest. All of the earliest myths say that the Sundanese more as workers than farmers in the rice fields.